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Ugh, a form? Yesssss... but hey, as an early customer, you get to help us set fair pricing! That's cool, at least :)


Pick a Plan

Creators with 100K+ Followers
Get BiteSlice Free!


20 Total Syndication Accounts



  • Recommended: 10 Accounts per Social Platform

  • $10 per additional syndication account

Purchase annual plan

Billed once per year




75,000 Total Followers

Or those who want to grow their online reach

Purchase annual plan

Billed once per year


Contact Us

Contact us to license an enterprise plan or if you need managed service or a custom plan.




10 Total Clients

Purchase annual plan

Billed once per year

Save 30% on annual plan

Blog Generator
Syndication Network
Branded Content Hub
Content Improvement
Content Archive
BiteSlice Network
Traffic Ownership
Increased Reach
Content Protection
Grow Follower Base
Blog Generator
Passive Income
Personalized Content Hub
Content Improvement
Content Archive
BiteSlice Network
Recapture Stolen Traffic
Increased Reach
Content Protection
Grow Follower Base
Blog Generator
Passive Income
Personalized Content Hub
Content Improvement
Content Archive
BiteSlice Network
Recapture Stolen Traffic
Increased Reach
Content Protection
Grow Follower Base
Blog Generator
Passive Income
Personalized Content Hub
Content Improvement
Content Archive
BiteSlice Network
Recapture Stolen Traffic
Increased Reach
Content Protection
Grow Follower Base
  • Syndicated accounts (or Curated Social Accounts or O&O Accounts) are social media accounts owned and operated by either BiteSlice or our partners.


    Typically, content thieves 'steal' your content and post on their own curated accounts, creating what's called a Multiple-Channel Network (MCN). They give you attribution, but usually don't link to your accounts. Social algorithms reward these curated accounts by prioritizing the 'stolen' content in viewers' feeds, instead of prioritizing your account - in essence stealing your traffic and taking control of your content's viral potential.


    BiteSlice's Syndication Technology does similar things, but with one main difference: we do it for YOUR BENEFIT! We reward your account with links, add our entire network to your reach, and recapture that stolen traffic back for you... plus we share up to 75% of all O&O income back with you! Because of this, we've been called the "Robinhood of content marketing".

  • For Content Creators, syndication accounts are free. BiteSlice syndicates your content across our entire network!

    For Brands, you get 10 free syndicated accounts as part of the base price per month. Each additional account is $10/month (or $7/month if you pay annually). The reason for this extra cost is for initial account setup (which we do), ongoing maintenance or each account, and quality control for content syndication. 

  • If you have more than 100K followers total (you can add up followers across each social media network: eg: 20K on YouTube + 10K on Instagram + 70K on TikTok = 100K!), then your Creator Account is FREE!


    Because we run ads on this content and syndicate that content across our network, you get more reach, more followers, and 75% of all ad income. We get 25% of that ad income and a growing network that increases Brand ROI. Social Media platforms love it because we solve content copyright issues and promote valuable content that advertisers love. Everyone wins!


    If you have less than 100K followers, we can't earn much income on your content through advertising... YET... so, after you pay the small monthly fee, our marketing technology starts helping recapture stolen traffic for you and helps increase your reach and follower base.


    When you grow to 100K, contact us and we'll waive your fees!

  • Every account is different. We've seen some accounts have a 300%+ lift and others just over 5% and everywhere in between.


    It also depends on timing: For those who have been on BiteSlice longer, the lift %s are typically higher. This is because it takes time for our technology to build up your content syndication queue and for search engines to index every piece of content you've posted on every social platform... ever. 


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